Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Energy drink industry fires back against report

        The report, published in the journal Pediatrics, they warn the energy drink , they said energy drink has a lot of caoffine ,it dangerous for yonger people .Seriouly , energy drink can bring a lot of problem to children  also could lead to many disease or death.But Refreshments Canada, an industry association, said in a statement released Monday the new report “does nothing more than spread misinformation” about energy drinks, but there a small group argue about energy drink that  can not harm for young people , because they said energy drink does not have much coffine.
       There are  kinds of erengy drink, such as red bull or Rockstar.those kinds of energy drink the biggest  consumer are teens and children .
       Health Canada  said people who are between 10 and 12 should not consume more than 85 mg of caffeine a day Healthy adults shouldn’t consume more than 400 mg a day, but a 250-ml bottle of Coca-Cola contains 26 milligrams of caffeine, a 75-ml bottle of Rockstar “energy shot” contains 200 mg of caffeine. A 355-ml can of Red Bull contains 113.6 mg of caffeine.it is real a lot. In canada ,many energy drinks on the market haven’t been reviewed by the government.
        Health Canada  considering placing increasing scrutiny on energy drinks.


  1. ive seen lots of kids who consume those kinds of drings. It is true how dangerous it is because we have all heard it before and i know my mother warns me everytime i drink redbull. What can i say , sometimes we do need energy.

  2. i agree many of these drinks are so bad for our health instead of giving us energy it effects our health so bad, so we should avoid these kind of drinks and warn the young guys about the negative cansequences of it in order to avoid these problems.

  3. after read this article,i realize these kinds of drinks are so dangerous for us.

  4. energy drinks means that lots of chemical combine together, you can even make a energy drink in the lab. People want to drink it because it test well.
